Barbershop Millennium Edition

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Barbershop Millennium Edition

I love my Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop overdrive. Its on of my "go to" overdrives these days. I just noticed that an updated edition - The Millennium Edition - has been released. I was planning on building a second one for my smaller pedalboard. I would love to see an update to the vero with this new edition.

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Re: Barbershop Millennium Edition

It's all going to be guess work until someone looks inside one. So if you're desperate to build one to the same philosophy you can make your own refinements based on the suggestions, otherwise it's a case of waiting until someone traces the new one to see precisely what her has altered in it.

I try to treat every builder equally and not to have favourites, but personally I'm in no immediate rush for that to happen. Guillerme is one of the good guys who has been very open and helpful in the past about his effects, and for once it isn't someone who is just rehashing the Tubescreamer like so many others do. So because of that I'm happy for it to remain unknown for a while. I'm not eager to see a JHS, this1smyne, or anyone elses "V1 to Millennium Edition Mod" based on information they took from the DIY community for nothing and used for their profit. I'd prefer to see him sell some pedals for a while first.

It won't stay secret forever though.