Bare Bones Klon

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Bare Bones Klon

Finished my Bare Bones Klon, sounds pretty darn good! Just one problem, or may not... I don't know...

When the gain is turned from approx 90-100%, it sounds good, but if I hit a string and let it ring out, as it fades and gets more quiet, the sound will pop, fizzle and break up, almost like a gate that can't get a fix on the threshold. It also seems to modulate a little as it rings out, with little swells in the volume. I can also turn the gain up, then without hitting a string, back the gain off until I hear the "gate" open and I can hear my pickups. Tried all the reflowing, knifing the gaps, checking values... I don't know if its a bad pot, or a buffer problem, or what.

Any feedback from fellow builders is appreciated!

(I also posted this in the comments of the layout blog page, but thought I might get more input from members over here in the forum. Sorry for the annoyance.)
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Re: Bare Bones Klon

Some opamp clipping can be expected in the Bare Bones Klon (and even in the original although less obvious), have a look at this from the original Bare Bones thread on FSB

That's why a TLC2262 was used, because some people feel rail to rail opamp clip in a more pleasant way than other common opamps like the TL072 or JRC4558.  What I would suggest is swapping IC2 to something different like a TL072 and see how it affects the decay you're getting.  If it sounds different to what you got with the TLC2262 then you know that it is just opamp clipping that is responsible.
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Re: Bare Bones Klon

Ok, will try that. Thanks for your help! My main concern is that what I am hearing is not my fault.