Bass paralooper or splitter and mixer?

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Bass paralooper or splitter and mixer?

After reading the comments on the bass paralooper layout im a little hesitant to build it. Just wondered if anyone knows of any alternate layouts for a similar kind of circuit.

Alternatively i was considering building the amz splitter and 2 channel mixer in the same box. Maybe toying with the crossover at either the splitter output or mixer input with hp/lp filters. Would this work?

Thanks mates.
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Re: Bass paralooper or splitter and mixer?

That'll work just fine, just be mindful of phase issues with pedals you put in the mixer. Or add a switchable phase inverter
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Re: Bass paralooper or splitter and mixer?

Good point. I hadnt thought about phase cancellation.
I know some compressors invert phase. Any other kind of effects i should be aware of?
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Re: Bass paralooper or splitter and mixer?

Pretty much everything