Beavis Audio Fuzz Lab Jr Stripboard Layout

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Beavis Audio Fuzz Lab Jr Stripboard Layout

This is the Fuzz Lab Jr. from Beavis Audio Research.

The stripboard layout below is based on his schematic.  I built it tonight to verify it and it works, so I marked it verified on my layout.

The complete layout file and some pics of my build are at if interested.

As far as using it goes:  you'll be twisting knobs for days. It goes from useable to full blown splatty stuff and back again. I plan to add a voltage meter to mine when I box it up next week, this would be useful for dialing the voltage sag knob I think (and it'll look rad!).

I like to run all pot wires to the board when I can which is why this one has like 34 of them, feel free to wire some of them pot to pot if you wish (see my notes to know which ones).

If someone finds an error in my layout let me know and i'll correct it.  It's possible due to the nature of this thing that there could be an error that I didn't notice during testing because I never ventured to the perfect knob turnage required to notice.

Have a nice day!

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Re: Beavis Audio Fuzz Lab Jr Stripboard Layout