Belton brick builds

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Belton brick builds

Hello just did the rubadub reverb and don't
Like it . I have 2 bdtr2medium 1 long and 3 bdtr3v . Which build will allow me
To barely use the reverb? I have 1974 Marshall half stacks and don't really need it but I got the bricks for
Free and wouldn't
Mind a
Little reverb for the old VH or pretty stuff on ocassion. Can the rubadub deluxe be set to a very small amount the regular rubadub starts at twice the reverb I would ever want. I was so excited and did this build in just over 2 hours only to be disappointed in the over the top reverb. I like subtle this is way to
Much. Thanks in advance keep
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Re: Belton brick builds

if you can find a vero layout for a malekko spring chicken i think they are supposed to be among the tamer and more vintage-inspired (not too in-your-face) belton-equipped reverb options. some do get deep-deep, which is why i love the beltons, but they can be reined in.

i know sabrotone has a layout for the hall of reverb (may even be one here somewhere), which may be tamer?
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Re: Belton brick builds

thanks tabbycat ill do some checking. i think both are on here
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Re: Belton brick builds

Have you tried a short brick? The medium and long bricks will have a pretty long decay as a baseline. You may like the rub a dub with a short brick to bring it back a knotch
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Re: Belton brick builds

I don't have a short brick. I have two
Mediums and a long. The
Medium wasn't much shorter than the long so I
Doubt a short will be that
Much shorter. I just barely crack iron one and it's overkill and when it's on zero it tone sucks .
Anyone built a mood ring? How are those I'd like to hear a good demo f just the reverb on
A mood ring all the you tube videos have the delay going on .
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Re: Belton brick builds

strassercaster wrote
I don't have a short brick. I have two
Mediums and a long. The
Medium wasn't much shorter than the long so I
Doubt a short will be that
Much shorter. I just barely crack iron one and it's overkill and when it's on zero it tone sucks .
have just posted this in requests. if it gathers momentum it might be just the thing to sove your problem. may offer the potential to roll back the delay time with a couple of component substitutions. watch this space...
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Re: Belton brick builds

That's an awesome link tabby cat thanks .i was wondering about the make up of the brick
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Re: Belton brick builds

I have to agree about the Belton bricks.  I've built a Rub-a-dub Deluxe (great PCB from 1776 Effects).  It works OK but the warbling modulation built into the brick just sounds too unnatural to me.  Very unlike a real reverb tank.  Hence, I'd like to try building a driver for a reverb pan (like the Surfy Bear or similar) and use that until the digital reverbs have been perfected a bit more.
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Re: Belton brick builds

I agree with Frank. The biggest problem for me is the lack of any decay time control, and second biggest problem is the always on modulation. Those two things severely limit the usefulness of these brick reverbs for me

Best of luck finding a solution though strassercaster. Sorry I can't be of any help!
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Re: Belton brick builds

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Re: Belton brick builds

In reply to this post by Travis
thanks guys. im friends with the invemtor. He had the idea and had a freind do all the math. they have sold 500,000 units. he makes a nice living off of them. they have a new one coming out that will do lots of modulation effects .i got the six bricks from him atnhis house he had them laying around every where but didnt have any short blocks.mi screwed up and didnt socket them so now i cant sell them he he. i giess im looking formthe one with the best decay control.mI want a tint not a splash painting. i might try the moodring madbean makes incredible stuff. i love the dirtbaby colosalus and harbinger one.