Binson Echorec Simulator

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Binson Echorec Simulator

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you the following, you can modify the multiplex echo machine ?, I explain, to be able to use only the part of binson echorec and to be able to do something similar to sagan delay or abductor II, but with the sound and configuration of binson Echorec. I have looked for information in other forums, but everything is unfinished. I built the abductor delay, but I feel that it is not very close to the sound of binson echorec.
The idea is to have 4 pt2399 (that would be like the heads), and to be able to activate or deactivate each head.
I hope someone gets excited and something entertaining.
I leave some images that could be seen
Thank you!

 The ‘SELECTOR’ and ‘SWITCH’ knobs form the switching circuitry. The SELECTOR knob allows selection between ECHO, REPEAT and SWELL settings. ECHO is just one distinct repeat; REPEAT is multiple repetitions, depending on the ‘LENGTH OF SWELL’; SWELL introduces a little signal from all four playback heads into the final mix, to produce reverb type effects. The REPEAT setting is the ‘one’ to use to create early 1970s Pink Floyd delay effects.

The 12-position ‘SWITCH’ knob enables selection of different heads and combinations of heads for single and multi-tap delay. The Echorec schematics only show a simplified interpretation of the action of this switch and there is no explanation in the Binson user manual of which head combinations can be selected using the switch. In theory there are 24 (16) possible head combinations (including the possibility of selecting no heads).
Information taken from Effectrode.