Bitsbox Kits

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Bitsbox Kits

Bob at Bitsbox is asking for ideas for the next lot of kits people would like to see.  So will you make your requests here so I can let him know which ones to go for in the next batch.  Cheers guys.
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Re: Bitsbox Kits

Ask him when he'll start shipping to the U.S.
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Re: Bitsbox Kits

In reply to this post by IvIark
Already got two big muffs in bitsbox but since the differences are mainly in caps/resistor values, then maybe it would be cool to choose several different variations? Civil war, triangle etc. Additionally mosrite fuzzrite or univox superfuzz are super nice.
Apart from that it's always good to see non-distortion circuits. We've already got phaser and delay so maybe it's time for a compressor? And some weird tremolo like this choppy vox repeater thing
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Re: Bitsbox Kits

+1 on the Fuzzrite, Repeat Percussion (or Hummingbird?) and the Superfuzz.

Add the Shin Ei FY2, Schaller trem, and as many of the BJFE/Bearfoot as possible, as well as some of the ROG designs.

As a bassist, the Bitsbox list needs some more bottom end.

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Re: Bitsbox Kits

One more suggestion. I've recently noticed that Tayda opened up their own kits section where you can apparently send them bill of materials and instructions and they will make it into a kit. Don't know the details but maybe that could also be good alternative to bitsbox? Most of us use Tayda heavily anyway with their bargain prices and it could probably be better for the folks outside UK.  What do you think?
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Re: Bitsbox Kits

In reply to this post by IvIark
Some of the projects I've been looking at on here are:

Devi Ever Electric Brown (quite a small board but good for a newbie)
MXR Noise Gate
Death By Audio Robot
Maybe some sort of Octave Fuzz

I have finished the DAM Meathead from them and am currently fault finding on the Ram 73 Big Muff.

Cheers Chuck