Black Rainbows "Hawkdope" album riffing fuzz sound

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Black Rainbows "Hawkdope" album riffing fuzz sound

Last august I happened to watch Black Rainbows playing at "Reverence Valada festival" in Portugal.
I didn´t know the band, but the sound of the guitar player/singer left me astonished.
The lead sound could be any fuzz pedal, but the riffing fuzz sound was a mixture of a fat, mid-cutting slightly octaved/gated kind of fuzz that made people go crazy...
He was playing an average Gibson SG, but I couldn´t manage to see the guy pedalboard, but it seemed like that kind of sound that one could recognize if ever tried...
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Re: Black Rainbows "Hawkdope" album riffing fuzz sound

These guys sound pretty cool. Thanks for sharing

The rhythm guitar sounds a lot like a Superfuzz. That would probably be where I'd start in terms of replicating that sound.  

My SG sounds a LOT different than my other guitars with fuzz. SGs are pretty dark sounding
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Re: Black Rainbows "Hawkdope" album riffing fuzz sound

Yeah, I was afraid that it was a superfuzz...
I´ve been eluding that layout since  it seemed to me that would be easy ending with a big mess... But always I hear that kind of fuzz sound that I like so much, ended being a superfuzz...
Recently tried the easier sepukku space fuzz, but nowhere near...
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Re: Black Rainbows "Hawkdope" album riffing fuzz sound

I agree with Travis - sounds like a Superfuzz to me.

Build one Gilberto, you won't regret it. However I woyld use a PCB like this one from Fuzzdog in the UK:

There is nothing wrong with the Superfuzz layout on this site - I have built one and it worked great, but it is a tricky build. Use this PCB and you can easily fit it in a 1590B. I have used this PCB a couple of time now, and compared to the vero, it is an easy build.
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Re: Black Rainbows "Hawkdope" album riffing fuzz sound

In reply to this post by traktop
Do it!  :)

Really though, I thought it was intimidating, but did it anyway and it worked right away. Awesome fuzz.

Used this layout:

It looks like a lot, but there are a lot of same values used.

Def worth it! What better time to start one like this than now? :D
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Re: Black Rainbows "Hawkdope" album riffing fuzz sound

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Hehehe I wil, I will try it for sure!
But let me finish this honey moon first. It started like 2 days ago, and is called violet rams head