Blackout Effectors Blunderbuss

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Blackout Effectors Blunderbuss

   This is based on the Musket but with about a dozen component differences, according to the Blackout site. It uses at least one germanium diode for clipping and may also use a germanium transistor in the 1st or 2nd boost stages.

    A poster on the main page's Musket layout claims these are the differences, but I think there are more.

"by GiĆ² bl
-Q2 must be changed with a 2N2222.
-10n capacitor on the very left, Focus 2&3 row, between 100R and 100K resistor: change with a 6n8
-390R resistor top (between 100K resistor and Q4): switch to 100R
-390R resistor on the right, which links Q3's emitter with 100uf negative pole: switch to 100R
-D3: use a standard red led 3mm
-D4: use a 1N34A"