Blackstar ht any pedal

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Blackstar ht any pedal

Hello fellas! Does anyone has schematic of any blackstar pedal??? I would very appreciate :)
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Re: Blackstar ht any pedal

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Re: Blackstar ht any pedal

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi thanasis!
is this schem verified?
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Re: Blackstar ht any pedal

hello !!! seems its verified as i read at forums. I will build that as soon as possible but i  like vero layout so if  someone convert this to vero it would be better for me :)

for High Voltage i will use power supply for this pedal-->
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Re: Blackstar ht any pedal

I tried to make it in vero... Toook me 12 hrs cause it was my first vero creation.....caan any1 check it?? I will build that  in a week. Miss some parts...
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Re: Blackstar ht any pedal

Hi! I done some changes cause there were some mistakes! I builded it  with tl084cn because im waiting lf347n from ebay to arrive! ! I use 12volt and 190 volt hv but there is harsh sound. Distortion is awesome btw! Master pot doesnt respond to changes! Can any1 help me?
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Re: Blackstar ht any pedal

Its verified i just builded .. Its a very good preamp  but you need a nice power supply for noise zero. Tl082cn works too as a replacement of lf347n .
Distortion isnt too heavy but i will try leds instead of diodes.
I have. 1 issue... Master pot doesnt respond .....