Blend pot

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Blend pot

Hello guys,
Wanted to ask about blending 2 signals. I've tried to build the mini jfet blender and the slit'n'blend and had the same issue on both pedals. When I dial the pot fully ccw or fully cw I still have some of the unwanted signal (it's not 100%/0% but more like 85%/15%). Would appreciate your input on how to solve it...
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Re: Blend pot

Try a different pot.  I've built two split n blends and on both, if I set it to 0% wet and toggle the footswitch, there's very little difference between the two tones.  
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Re: Blend pot

In reply to this post by Stinger25
Sounds like your signal is too hot for the 100k pot to fully block it out.  Increasing the pot's resistance should resolve this.
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A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.