Boost to blend

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Boost to blend

I'm sure this has been addressed at some point, but lately my brain has been fried, and I can't think of what I need to do to accomplish something. I'm planning on putting a split n' blend into an effect, and I want to add a boost for the dry signal, because the effect it's going into can boost the effect signal and I don't want to have the dry signal disappear. Basically, think big muff with a blend, and I want to be able to boost the dry signal with a separate pot or maybe resistors on a switch. Now, while I feel silly for asking, but where do I attach the boost to the split n' blend? In my head I'm thinking the input, but I'm just second guessing.

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Re: Boost to blend

Ciaran Haslett
As I see it, adding the Miniboost or LPB inline between the 100n output and Blend 3 would work better.  That way the send effects input wouldn't get hit with a boost if it were placed on the SNB input.

It would have to be a transparent booster circuit though or blending may sound weird.
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Re: Boost to blend

Essentially that's the idea. There would be a clean "transparent" boost only for the clean dry signal.