Booster questions

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Booster questions

Mike B.
I ran into a guitarist last night who was using a booster that sounded great that he said was a modded LPB-1 with a contour control that let him dial in the frequencies that were boosted.  It was a handmade pedal that he bought from someone ages ago, so there were no labels on it, but he said the circuit uses transistors and no op amps.  Has anyone run across a booster that's similar to that?  I tend to use overdrives instead of boosters, but this sounds useful.  If there's a layout here that's similar or if anyone has run across a schematic or layout of something like this, please let me know.

Many thanks!
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Re: Booster questions

Well an LPB1 is a transistor boost and putting a simple tone control at the input will set the frequencies being boosted.  Look how the Range pot works in the Red Rooster here:

You take the input to a pot and then have two wires going out of the pot to two separate input capacitors, a 5nF and a 2.2uF.  So in the extreme counter clockwise position the signal is routed through the 2.2uF cap which lets a lot more bass frequencies into the effect, in the extreme clockwise position the signal is routed through the 5nF which cuts a lot of the bass frequencies out and so is more like a treble boost.

Remove the 100nF input cap in the LPB1, add an extra column, and then add the Red Rooster Range pot complete with 5nF and 2.2uF cap and you've got exactly what you're asking for.
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Re: Booster questions

Mike B.
Thank you so much!  That's way easier than I expected.  I'll build it this weekend.  I really appreciate the help!


On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 1:35 PM, IvIark [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Well an LPB1 is a transistor boost and putting a simple tone control at the input will set the frequencies being boosted.  Look how the Range pot works in the Red Rooster here:

You take the input to a pot and then have two wires going out of the pot to two separate input capacitors, a 5nF and a 2.2uF.  So in the extreme counter clockwise position the signal is routed through the 2.2uF cap which lets a lot more bass frequencies into the effect, in the extreme clockwise position the signal is routed through the 5nF which cuts a lot of the bass frequencies out and so is more like a treble boost.

Remove the 100nF input cap in the LPB1, add an extra column, and then add the Red Rooster Range pot complete with 5nF and 2.2uF cap and you've got exactly what you're asking for.

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Re: Booster questions

In reply to this post by Mike B.
The Catalinbread Naga Viper might interest you as that has similar controls to what you're describing