Boscorelli schematics

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Boscorelli schematics

I have a copy of Boscorelli's Stompbox Cookbook 2nd ed and wondered if i posted it here whether you could convert the schematics to vero? I know this book is no longer in publish but not sure if copyright laws would be an issue. Would love to build some of these but not quite mastered the art of converting to vero. If not my might just transfer the boards diagrams onto copper plate and etch, which seems a bit of a fag when vero is so much easier. Any Ideas peeps?
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Boscorelli schematics

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Don't know about copyright but you can find the book and schematics on the web:
Which projects were you thinking about?
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Re: Boscorelli schematics

Addy Bart
Seems there's a fair amount of intrigue over the whereabouts of Boscorelli, who all but vanished from the scene. Has anyone built projects from the book? There are samples of the Vibrato-Matic and a vero layout here that sounded pretty nice:

Another project from the book, the Attack-o-matic IV, is apparently an improvement on the Boss Slow Gear, but I haven't found a layout for that one yet.
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Re: Boscorelli schematics

Any video of Vibrato-matic? I am curious about that
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Re: Boscorelli schematics

Addy Bart
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Re: Boscorelli schematics

Sounds nice, but i prefer tri-vibe. I am searching a nice pitch vibrato project. Pitch Pirate sounds good, but it has a long delay.
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Re: Boscorelli schematics

The Boss VB-2 is the best I've tried. I built it on the BYOC board. Worth the cash
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Re: Boscorelli schematics

No chance a vero layout for VB-2? I think it is very simmilar to CE-2, dont? I get some MN3007 and i would love build a VB-2.
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Re: Boscorelli schematics

Someone might draw it for you. The PCB is the way to go