Boss CE-3 Chorus

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Boss CE-3 Chorus

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Hey guys I have adapted lvlark's layout for the Boss CE-2 chorus to give us the Boss CE-3. It utilises the MN3207 BBD chip and MN3102 which are a lot cheaper to buy. Some substitutes have been suggested for hard-to-find components as noted. It is minus all the switching and stereo options as per the original pedal however you can attach the stereo daughter-board that lvlark created for his Boss CE-2 layout which was based on the CE-3 anyhow; the solder pads are indicated. I got rid of the zener diode and added series protection. I have also increased the speed range and added an an option for a decent RATE LED which I scavenged from BYOC's analog chorus (Boss CE-2). You can omit vibe switch with a simple jumper. Fits in a 125B if you like, solder-side up at least. Haven't built it yet myself. Very similar to CE-2 with a few component changes.
UPDATE 16/05/2018: Replaced the layout as it had a cut above the BBD between pin1 and ground; cut removed.