Boss CE-5

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Boss CE-5


I haven't built that many pedals so far, besides a fuzz from this site, but I would like to jump straight onto the deep end with some BBD designs, having seen and read loads of articles, forum posts and tutorials.

I already have a CE-5 and I love it, which is why I'd like to see if I can recreate the analog version of it. Apparently they sound pretty much the same so if I can make my copy sound the same then I'll be heading in the right direction.

I read the sticky post and went off to find a schematic, but I'm not sure if it has too many IC's and transistors. It seems to have at least 2 BBD chips though.

BOSS CE5 Analogue Schematic

I apologise in advance if this is too complex or If I am being a complete idiot. If this is too complex, or undoable, I'd like to know why as I'm really interested in how pedals are made like this.
