Box of Metal - noise gate

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Box of Metal - noise gate

Hey guys,

I was looking to have some.. gainier distorion. It could be my recording technique, but my drives tend to be a bit fizzy. For some heavier outburst in a post rock like project (think Caspian) I was looking for a lowend drive that does not get to fuzzy.

I was looking at Dominator, Triple Wreck etc and thought maybe I should give the box of metal a go? The ZVEX pedals have always sounded a lot better to me than the demo's sound like, and it's a less intimidating build.

Maybe that won't cater to my needs at all, if so, please tell me, but I was wondering about the noise gate. From what I read is that the noise gate is left out of the layout. If I look up noise gates to box with this effect they are kind of big. Ofcourse a pcb could get way smaller, but i the original noise gate in the pedal as comprehensive as the layouts on this site? Or are there smaller/simpler options?

Or is this noise gate not needed at all/ should I go for one of the other options? I just finished a Clone Theory so I think I could manage a bigger layout (hopefully)
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Re: Box of Metal - noise gate

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Here's a clip of the BOM I built using the main page layout:

It has a fuzzy character, but that sets it apart from more anemic metal distortions. I wouldn't call it fizzy in a thin or lifeless way.  The eq is passive and subtle, but  is enough for me.

It's very noisy and I hope the gate is eventually figured out.  I'll have to try some of the unverified layouts I've seen.

The Triple Wreck is also noisy without a gate, but covers a lot of ground with the boost.

some ideas:

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Re: Box of Metal - noise gate

Thanks so much! Can't believe I ddin't reply yet :/ What a douche

It does sound very good in your clip. I have recorded some stuff with my distortron, even though I love the pedal, it has some of the fuzzy character that is good for some purposes, but not what I need/want now. I need something more clinical I guess?
I do feel that Zvex pedals are all stacked SHO's? Like the BOM shares a lot of dna with the distortron. That made me realize I might have to look a bit further.

Maybe the Triple Wreck, though the Dominator might be good too. Openhaus maight be a bit daunting.. hm, hard.
Thanks for the link, gave me some ideas!
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Re: Box of Metal - noise gate

I've always wondered why there has been so little interest in the BOM's noise gate section. It's like nobody was interested in or could be bothered to trace it. Yet it seems so useful, a tiny noise gate circuit that you could use to add to other high gain boxes, freeing up pedal board space by eliminating a separate noise gate pedal. Or two.
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Re: Box of Metal - noise gate

     It seems the noise gate on the BOM is towards the end of the circuit.   I tried splicing in my builds of the MXR from the main page, the 1 knob gate, and even the passive gate from the Tightmetal , but none were satisfactory.  
     I tried both right after the tone stack, and  earlier, right after the 1st gain stage.  Also, of course, before the pedal itself.   They just didn't cut it.
     I like the way it was implemented in some demos.  Have it set tight for normal riffing, and then step on the bypass for long sustained chords.