Box of hall and ghost echo reverb question!

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Box of hall and ghost echo reverb question!

Hey there all thnx for all the help!
       I have a question.  Is it possible to wire up both these reverbs on one brick and have an on off switch cutting off 9v to run one at a a time and one stomp switch? Or would it be better to have two stomps wired as multi effect Ina 1590bb? Also, would it damage the brick if I did run two effects simultaneously int to the brick? Again thanks everyone.  
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Re: Box of hall and ghost echo reverb question!

+1 this question. am in the process of building my third belton (built eqd ghost and dba reverberation, with chasm on the way) and it would be nice to stick them all in the same box and stomp/toggle/rotary between them.
also wondered about being able to switch between a long and short brick. a 2x6 rotary should be able to cover that part, but not sure if it would trash or lock the bricks (pt2399 based) to switch between three different inputs so abruptly.
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Re: Box of hall and ghost echo reverb question!

Hmmm.  Well I guess no one has done this or wants to share:( guess I'll have to see...
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Re: Box of hall and ghost echo reverb question!

Ravenswerld wrote
Hmmm.  Well I guess no one has done this or wants to share:( guess I'll have to see...
not the second, almost certainly the former. it is very much a minority appeal mod.

am thinking for two beltons on on brick maybe a 4pdt would do it.

four wires from effect one (ground for both would be common) would go into 1,4,7,10.

four from effect two into 3,6,9,12.

poles 2,5,8,11 connect to the belton.

stomp once get the first, stomp again get the second.

i haven't got both out of their boxes to experiment with this, but when i do (before christmas) this is what i'll try first.

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Re: Box of hall and ghost echo reverb question!

Awesome, let me know how that goes! I'm going to play around with it too.