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Breadboard how to

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Breadboard how to

189 posts
I'm wanting to dive into breadboarding as I'd love a better way to tweak layouts.  I'm sure it's been answered before, but when I search for breadboard so many post come up that aren't how to it's hard to sort through.  So what are some articles/video's that are helpful in getting started with this?  Is it possible to go from a vero layout to breadboard or do you need the schematic.  Thanks!
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Re: Breadboard how to

1993 posts
I haven't ever tried to look for videos but there might be something out there. It's just as simple as looking at a schematic and making the same connections happen on the breadboard.

The way to start off is small and simple. I think the first circuit I tried was an LPB-1. The Fuzz Face is a good one.

A couple tips..

Don't go from vero to breadboard. Always use a schematic. It is much easier

I like to link the supply rails together and ground rails together so that I can reach the supply or ground from either side of the board

Sometimes you will need to connect more stuff on one row than what you have space for, so you can use links just like on stripboard

Get trimpots in lots of different values. The trimpots are easier to work with on a breadboard than having a bunch of wires going to pots. Board mounted pots are nice for this too

I drilled holes in the metal part of my breadboard to mount jacks so that I can plug it right into my guitar and amp. Leave the input and output wires long enough to reach any point on the board. I often have multiple circuits going on my breadboard, so it helps to have the wires be able to reach from end to end

Likewise, make the wire from the jack sleeves long enough to reach either the + or - on the board so you can test positive or negative ground circuits.

I have also added a true bypass switch and DC jack to my breadboards
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Re: Breadboard how to

183 posts
In reply to this post by kirshman
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Re: Breadboard how to

1239 posts
(Yes, I know where every single wire goes...)

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Re: Breadboard how to

183 posts
Impressive,  Frank_NH

I just ran into these Wampler breadboard instructionals:

