Hi there. What occurs here is a strange issue with a 9VDC socket. I my circuit to be powered via 9vdc socket and battery. Powering the effect via 9V socket, works. With the battery not. Seems dead... But the battery is not. Could be a faulty power socket? How can i check if it is so?
Probably quickest and easiest to replace it, if you have another one laying around.
If you'd prefer to troubleshoot it, post pictures and we'll see if we spot anything.
You can also use a DMM to test it, but to help you with that we need to know what jack you are using. Pictures or a link or part number would be useful for that purpose.
Test the two parallel lugs of the DC jack for continuity with your DMM (use continuity mode if you have one, or just measure the resistance: 'inf' for open circuit, very small number for continuity) with and without an adapter plugged in. You should get an open circuit when the adapter is plugged in, and continuity when the adapter is not plugged in.
This is really funny. After checking with DMM, plugged in and out adapter, got angry. I discovered that the grounding plate was shorting the battery pin. Replaced with another one and it is working as it should. However, induction thank you for helping me.