Broken Selector switch

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Broken Selector switch

Hi, i've got a Hardwire RV-7 Reverb pedal but the selector switch has broken off and i need to replace it. It has 7 different settings you can click in to. What would that pot be called to buy a replacement from Tayda or Rapid forexample? Thanks!
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Re: Broken Selector switch

It will be some sort of rotary switch, possibly like this

You'll probably need to include "pcb mount" or similar in your search, 'pcb mount 7 position rotary switch' for example.

I may be wrong of course, but that's what I would do.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Broken Selector switch

Thanks for the reply, appreciate it - I'm having no luck at all finding this thing, so i thought i'd post up a few pics of the pedal to see if anyone instantly recognises what it is. The switch says B100K on the back and looks just like the other 2 in the pic which leads me to think it might just be a regular pot? The broken one is the one of the far end or the one near my thumb in the 2nd pic...

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Re: Broken Selector switch

In reply to this post by Milkit
Sorry, again smaller
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Re: Broken Selector switch

Could it just be one of these?

I think the lugs are too big on this one to mount on to the board though, im sure i could bend them a bit..
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Re: Broken Selector switch

No worries, glad to help out if I can.

That one you linked to is no good though, it's just a pot mate, you need a rotary switch (just looks similar to a pot).

If you look at the existing one on your board, it's got 9 pins.  I should imagine finding an exact match will be difficult.  Maybe try Hardwire & see if they do spares for it?  

Other than that, best bet is to just try something like this thing and have it looking different but functioning again.  Mind you, the one I linked to is probably far too big to fit in your pedal, hmm!
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Re: Broken Selector switch

In reply to this post by jwroper
Actually, it's only 6 pins!  I've just noticed that there are 3 unuused pads on the board!
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Re: Broken Selector switch

Yes its actually just 3 pins, that and the B100k thing printed on it made me thing it was just a standard pot?!
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Re: Broken Selector switch

Oh I'm a dickhead!  Is it the volume pot that you are holding, the shaft has snapped?  Then yeah that's just a std pot, probably a 9mm alpha like this badboy 

You may need to do some further hunting around if you want one with the D profiled shaft mate.

These are similar, but they're only 50k, but I should think ebay is probably a good hunting ground!

Apologies for the confusion, but when you said "selctor switch" I automatically assumed you meant the one to alter the different types of effect.  Doh!
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Re: Broken Selector switch

Hey no worries, no it is the 'selector switch' that he shaft has snapped on - but it looks exactly like the one you posted up from Banzai - heres a pic of the top if it helps - reckon thats what i need?

I'm thinking i could just desolder one of those other pots and try it in the broken ones place, i guess that will tell me!
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Re: Broken Selector switch

Haha, think I should go back to Specsavers & hit them!  Righto, cool yeah I see it now I see it!!  

So it is just a pot then?  Fair do's!    But did it make a positive, tangible 'click' when you adjusted it, or was it just smooth like a pot would be?  If it's the former, then I think it will be a rotary of some kind

How did you snap it mate?
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Re: Broken Selector switch

Ha! Yes it looks like a pot but seems strange for a selector switch! Its someone elses I'm trying to fix it for them, it arrived without the knob too so i guess they just stood on it, strange because the hardwires are built like tanks, just one of those things i guess! Anyway thanks for the help mate, much appreciated.
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Re: Broken Selector switch

No problem mate. Hope you managed to get it sorted ok.  

Oh & if you get it fixed, you have to change your avatar!!  
It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: Broken Selector switch

Picked up a Hardwire CM-2  recently (first Hardwire I've tried) and all the pots have a slight clicky feel to them, not as defined as a selector pot (the CM-2 has none), but this is where the confusion might be.

From the pics it does look like the one broken is the selector for the type of reverb, meaning it wouldn't be a "regular" pot as such. I'd see if Hardwire respond to a "love your pedals, could i get a spare part or part number" email.

Sorry I can't be of more help than that, my pot/electronic knowledge is still very limited.