Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

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Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

I wanted this idea to blend two circuits together but I am not sure if this will work in terms of sound. The idea was to create a pedal with an internal FX loop so Fuzz A > Split and Blend > Output and the send and return are hooked to Fuzz B.

Think this will work?
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Re: Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

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Re: Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

How the heck am I supposed to know that, pardon my French
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Re: Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

GrooveChampion wrote
How the heck am I supposed to know that, pardon my French
Tell us what the circuits are, or post schematics. In general, a single transistor stage (e.g. bazz fuss) with input to base and output from collector will invert phase 180 degrees; this means a fuzzface (two such transistor stages in series) will not invert phase. Opamp stages using the non-inverting will not invert, though opamp stages using the inverting input will, etc
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Re: Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

Either two Wooly mammoths, two mastotrons or one of each
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Re: Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

If they're both the same circuit it shouldn't be an issue, but I can't see why you would want to run 2 identical circuits in parallel especially if it's for bass. You'd be better off with a fuzz and clean in parallel so you don't lose any low end, IMHO.
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Re: Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

I know, the idea is a Darkglass duality type thing. 2 Fuzz circuits running is parallel, one square wave and the other's a sine wave....or something like this
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Re: Building a bass fuzz pedal where two fuzz circuits run in paralell

You might find this pedal quite interesting.The Pelican Noiseworks Pelitaur fuzz is basically a russian muff with a fuzz face in parallel that shares a tone control. Strangely it looks like a klon clone.....