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Building and debugging autowah : why is it so difficult ?

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Re: Building and debugging autowah : why is it so difficult ?

384 posts
This post was updated on Mar 27, 2017; 5:50am.
eve-the-frog wrote
 a vectrol seems to have 4 lugs (2 for the LED, and two for the LDR) but Sabro's layout only show a 2 lugs component. What is the trick ?
VTL1 and VTL2 form the two vactrols, and there are four components marked VTLx. Two are LEDS and two standing resistors, which is the symbol harald used for the LDRs. The spacing of the LED/LDR pairs VTL1/2 is six holes - just enough to have the components facing each other and bent 90 degrees to run parallel to the board, slipped inside a bit of heatshrink/electrical tape:

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Re: Building and debugging autowah : why is it so difficult ?

59 posts
OK, I only focused on the red VTLx component which is the LED (half of the vactrol). The LDRs have a resistor shape and I didn't noticed them...

Now I'm ready to build ! Thanks again for your help...
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Re: Building and debugging autowah : why is it so difficult ?

59 posts
I leave a note to people who tried to build Agent 00funk and have very little effect to no effect at all.

I again followed PMowdes advice : try ICs from trusty seller.

I had Taydas ICs and tried several eBay seller with different IC brands with no better results.

The solution came from Banzai Music (a German website) where I've ordered all my ICs again. And the Agent 00Funk works now with a very (very) strong wah effect. Victory !

The strange thing is that only Squelch potentiometer have a normal behaviour from 0 to 10. All other pots seems to act from -10 to +20, if you know what I mean, with very weird results at the extremes... sometimes. And some pots doesn't have any effect until I turn another one to reach a sweet spot. Also the switch appear to simply change the sweet spot of Pitch control...

Anyway, these are minor issues and the effect is fully usable. And it will be boxed soon !
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Re: Building and debugging autowah : why is it so difficult ?

487 posts
In reply to this post by PMowdes
PMowdes wrote
I've been tempted to build the Lovetone Flanger with no name, got a build document for reference.
I've got a failed Flanger build of that as well, on an alanp PCB from the Madbean forum.

Flangers just don't like me like I like them.