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Building my first tube amp

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Building my first tube amp

174 posts
Hey guys,

I decided that I would like to start on my first tube amp build, and I thought I'll share the process with you guys, so that everyone can learn (even myself).

I didn't wanted to collect all the things by myself, so for my first build, I wanted to pick a kit, which contains everything, and maybe later on, if this will be a success, then I'll try to collect all the things myself. I looked at a lot of different sites, where I could buy a kit, and most promising site was the Tube-Town site. Really great collection of things for an amp build, and it's based in Germany, so shipping is not a nightmare for me (I live in Hungary). The kit that I'm starting with is the Marshall 18W kit, with a head chassis version (you can also buy a combo chassis). It cost me 311€ with shipping (kit and chassis), so not crazy expensive, but comes with great quality parts (Mallory caps, JJ tubes, Hammond Output Transformer, etc..)

These are the first pictures, from the start, I'll post more pictures later as I proceed with the build tomorrow.

Please share your thoughts, critics, etc..

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Re: Building my first tube amp

1993 posts
Awesome!!! Looks like you're doing the tremolo version?

As for thoughts, critiques, etc, I'd probably remove the fuse holder and switch and hold off on those until you've finished wiring the tube sockets. The "lead dress" is really important in tube amps, so you want to make it as easy as possible to do a nice job

I'd also make sure the board can still drop in the chassis if you're going to install and wire all of the hardware before you drop the board in.
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Re: Building my first tube amp

174 posts
Yes, this is the tremolo version :)

I agree, but the fuse holder is already there, because the wiring is done for the rectifier tube, I am continuing with the filament for the tubes (third secondary winding).
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Re: Building my first tube amp

174 posts
ooookay, so I'm ready with it - plugged it in, worked like charm for the first time!

I shot a little video with my phone, I think it sounds REALLY GOOD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBEViv9QAl4 (If someone wants to know about the guitar: Squier Classic Vibe Tele Custom with Dimarzio twang king on the neck, and Seymour Duncan Little 59 in the bridge :) )

I spent a lot of time cutting the wires to the right length - that and trying to make the filament wires neat as possible takes a LOT of time.

Other than that it is just a really good fun building it, and the result is pretty satisfying - good sounding amp with no hum, no noise, or any issues. The package itself is really complete, there a lots of wire left, also a lots of screws and a lot of heat shrink tube - and everything is really good quality, I cannot be more satisfied.

Here's a picture of the inside:

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Re: Building my first tube amp

1993 posts
That's awesome that you got it to fire right up!!! The chassis has a lot more space than I thought at first.

Your heater wiring looks great, and nice use of shielded cable too. It sounds sweet in the clip. How's the tremolo?
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Re: Building my first tube amp

350 posts
This should be called:The "Build your amp in a day" thread...
Congratulations, it sounds great!!!
I just wanna build an amp one of this days!!!
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Re: Building my first tube amp

174 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
The trem is great, sounds really usable (will be awesome for some Hendrix covers :) ), I'll try to record that as well.

The chassis is not a huge one, but still there's plenty of space, so this was never an issue while building, you can easily make it look nice.

The only problem was that, since all the parts were here on my table, and my girlfriend was out of town, I couldn't stop building the amp, so yeah.. That's why I finished it in 24 hours :)

Now I just have to figure out, how to build the head cab.

Bad side: I already started thinking what to build next :D The Ceriatone layouts are so great, it would be so awesome to build a JTM45, or since I already have this Marshall style of amp, do some Fender style stuff. (omg, I'm addicted now... )
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Re: Building my first tube amp

174 posts
I thought I'll share the "design" process too, because that is something I haven't done before.

I bought a simple empty universal headshell from tube-town (https://www.tube-town.net/ttstore/TTC-Amp-Chassis/TTC-Headshells/Headshell-Lemberg/TTC-Universal-Headshell-Lemberg-001::5580.html) and ordered the tolex, the piping, the corners and everything else for it, because I wanted to do all the things by myself.

So let the pictures tell the story:

The only thing that's left to do is the faceplate, which I'm planning to order from a local company. I want to create a black faceplate with white labels and use Davies 1510 style cream knobs from tayda.
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Re: Building my first tube amp

174 posts
In reply to this post by balazs.bencs
Ok, so... it is ready, I think the end of this mission is more than success.

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Re: Building my first tube amp

610 posts
Wow, that looks freaking amazing!