CE-2 Schematics

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CE-2 Schematics

Hi All,

The CE-2 Vero board layout, shows that there are 2 electro caps used, a 220uf and a 47uf, the schematics show that there are 4 Electro caps, I am a little confused.
 I have another post, further down, with problems getting my build to work, Could this be the cause .

Regards Peter
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Re: CE-2 Schematics

My record for building chorus peds has been pretty bad. I have only had one success and that was the Little Angel chorus. I would have preferred any one of the multiple builds of the Zombie would have worked so the LAC was kind of a fluke.

I have since opted to build the CE2 also however this is the MB version (Pork Barrel PCB) I'm a few parts away from testing it so Ill let you know how this went. I think as Mark pointed out, the MB version has some added items so this could explain the diffs - I dunno.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.