CE-2 please!

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CE-2 please!


Can You please post CE-2 on stripboard?

Please, please, please! :-)
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Re: CE-2 please!

I'm afraid that Mark or Miro won't design this board, as is really huge (4 ic's, 5 trannies, about 80 components, and so on), and no way doable in a 1590B

You can always use Harald's one, verified and with all the Tonepad mods:


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Re: CE-2 please!

Thanks! Real bad that they don't wonna do it, but I will give this a go. :-)
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Re: CE-2 please!

I built Harald 's and I love it (it's my favorite chorus) and it's definitely worth building.
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Re: CE-2 please!

Jhn, I've built the CE-2, and ir works but with extremely low output. All voltages are ok, so I'm not sure where to look at.

Any advice?
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Re: CE-2 please!

there must be something like a shorted connection, a misplaced component or one that's an incorrect value on your build. it definitely does not have low output when it's built correctly.
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Re: CE-2 please!

Well, R1 mistaken, used an 1M instead of 1k :P Now output is louder, and I'm now i distortion phase :P
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Re: CE-2 please!

Fixed :P

As  R1 was wrong, had to check the rest of reistors, as was quite sure that there was no micro bridge, nor misplaced components, et voilá, R38, instead of a 150K used a 4,7k !

Now it works loud and clear. What a sweet chorus! I said since I built the Zombie, that was a nice effect, but no way great, an interesting one for the strange sounds that you can get, but no way even similar to the Small Clone or the CE-2 that is supposed to imitate.

I've always been in love with my old Clone Theory, but the CE-2 really deserves a place among the best choruses I've ever tried or listened.

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Re: CE-2 please!

An finally boxed :) I'm falling deep in love with this chorus, is really one of the best I've ever tried. 110% recommended.

An fits in a 125B! No need to use a 1590BB :)

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Re: CE-2 please!

Very nice
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Re: CE-2 please!

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
I thought about a 125B but I ended up going with a 1590BB on mine:

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Re: CE-2 please!

In reply to this post by IvIark
Thanks mate!

John, your enclosure  finishes and labeling is just impresive, as usual!
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Re: CE-2 please!

 They are both stunning builds, very inspiring!