(COMPLETED) small clean booster or preamp with volume controlled through trimmer

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(COMPLETED) small clean booster or preamp with volume controlled through trimmer

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I would like a schematic for a small clean boost or preamp that instead of a volume knob just had a trimmer to set output.

Background - I built the vico vibe and am looking for something to boost the signal without having to put an extra knob in.  I tried building http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2109/2275644158_339737c242_o.png but i am not seeing any noticeable volume boost.  I did use 2n7000 as the jfet since that is the only one I had
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Re: small clean booster or preamp with volume controlled through trimmer

Just opened the website to look if Mark made an LPB1 vero to modify to accomodate a trimpot... And before I could write "tag..." in Firefox one had been posted...!
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Re: small clean booster or preamp with volume controlled through trimmer
