Can anybody help me with this circuit?

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Can anybody help me with this circuit?

I set out to build a really simple OD.  Just wanted to see if I could. Then I thought it would be cool if I could switch between soft clipping and hard clipping.  Attached is what I came up with.  I made a vero of it and everything works great with the switch in soft-clipping mode.  When I switch it to the Ge hard clipping diodes, there's no sound.  If I take the Ge diodes out, clean audio passes through the circuit just fine.  And I've verified the diodes are going to ground.  I'm wondering if there's something obvious I've done wrong.  I've verified that the vero matches the schematic, so there must be something wrong in the schematic I'm not seeing.  I just read a ton of tutorials and gave this a shot - I guess I got close.

As for the the switch, I'm using an on/on DPDT and numbered the lugs:
1 - 4
2 - 5
3 - 6

I know there are a lot of great pedal forums out there, but sometimes those guys aren't super nice to guys like me asking dumb questions.  I figured i'd post it here in case one of you has an answer.  You all know your stuff.  Thanks a ton.

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Re: Can anybody help me with this circuit?

You want your signal centered around 0V when it hits then hard clippers, so that it clips the signal instead of the DC offset. The way you have it, the signal is biased higher than the Vf of the diodes, which just clips the whole signal down to 1*Vf DC.

Put coupling caps before and after the hard clippers. Then you'll have to bias the second op-amp because you can't use DC coupling anymore.
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Re: Can anybody help me with this circuit?

Now that I think about it, instead of isolating the hard clippers with coupling caps and rebiasing the second op-amp, it would be easier just to leave everything how you have it, except connect the hard clippers to Vb instead of ground. You'll get the same result, but you can keep the biasing and DC coupling you already have. Much less work than what I suggested before.
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Re: Can anybody help me with this circuit?

Thanks induction.  As usual, you were right.  I actually did the first option (coupling caps and rebias) and it worked great. But you're right that the second option would be simpler and use less parts - so if I build another that's probably how I'll do it. Thanks so much.