Can someone who has built a Bearfoot Candy Apple Fuzz Gold please help me out?

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Can someone who has built a Bearfoot Candy Apple Fuzz Gold please help me out?

Here's my request...

If you have successfully built a working Bearfoot Candy Apple Fuzz Gold, could you please answer the following for me, cause it's driving me batty:

1. Does your FUZZ control actually change the intensity of the Fuzz?  I've gone over and over and over mine and I'm not really hearing much audible difference from 1 - 10.  It's a good fuzz sound, but it doesn't change.

2. Does your Treble control actually change things over wide range or just a tiny bit?  From full on Treble to all the way counter-clockwise has about the same change as going from maybe 10 to 8 or 9 on what I would consider a normal Treble control range.

Thanks in advance.  I've been over and over my circuit and I cannot find anything amiss.  I measured all resistors and caps before soldering and I've replaced the transistors.  I've knifed the tracks AND used a dremel cutting wheel to make damn sure the tracks are not shorting.  

Otherwise I think I'm just going to replace the Fuzz, Treble, and super-shitty Nature pots with resistors or trimmers and just have the volume knob out front.  Or just chuck it...  Honestly with the sheer number of Fuzz layouts here, I'm hardly going to cry over not having this one, heh.  

Still you know how it goes, time... effort... cost...  WORK DAMMIT! :p
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Re: Can someone who has built a Bearfoot Candy Apple Fuzz Gold please help me out?

Hi Heath,

I finished my candy apple fuzz build yesterday, and it works as expected as regards to the fuzz and treble knobs, however when the nature pot is dialed down i don't get much volume out of it and it becomes a bit gated sounding, i just assumed that was how it was supposed to work - apart from that I LOVE this pedal! Are you using 2N1308s?
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Re: Can someone who has built a Bearfoot Candy Apple Fuzz Gold please help me out?

I'm using a couple of AC127k.

My "Nature" pot sounds good right at the detent and nowhere else. :/
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Re: Can someone who has built a Bearfoot Candy Apple Fuzz Gold please help me out?

I've read that the nature pot was a one trick pony.  Apparently in one position you get a really good prominent octave, all other positions are useless.  Sounds like a pot added for the sake of it, I'd probably prefer to keep it three knob and use a fixed resistor for the good setting.