Can you build a spring reverb in a stompbox?

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Can you build a spring reverb in a stompbox?

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Answer is yes!

I built this one yesterday. Fun build! Thought i'd share since it's something alittle different. :)
spring reverb

My brother works at a recycling station/garbage dump, so he brings me stuff now and then so I can salvage parts like knobs, jack and pots. I found the small spring reverb tank inside an old broken PA mixer/head.

I used the Stage Center Reverb circuit by Craig Anderton to drive the tank. But I wasn't completly happy with the range of the wet/dry controls (not completly dry or wet) so I omitted the buffer part and added a AMZ buffer/splitter insted so I can get it 100% wet. here's the inside:
spring reverb inside

Only one problem left to solve.. the footswitch. If I had the footswitch on the reverb-box it would make a loud banging noise everytime it was switched on... So I decided to make an external footswitch. However, I didn't want the signal to go through the cabel and back, so I added a small relay inside the reverb box wired true bypass. The footswitch simply breakes the ground connection to the relay (and the led) when turned off.

spring reverb footswitch

Have a listen

Signal chain: Gibson SG - Stepping Stone overdrive (my own design) - Spring Reverb - Vox modelling amp set clean - Shure SM7b - Classic API VP26 micpre - Focusrite DSP24 - Reaper

/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: Can you build a spring reverb in a stompbox?

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This was actually my second springreverb build.

I built this one before with a standard size tank in a 19" rack:

It's combined with a Rebote delay in the rack enclosure.

The standard size sounds much better to be honest!

Together with the delay is makes an awesome noise machine. Infinite delay - 100% wet reverb and you'll get very cool organic sounding noise which you can tune by turning the delay-time.

If anyone is interested this is the layout I used:

Not my layout and some things are wrong. Pots are not supposed to go to ground and potlug numbers are wrong, but other then that it works fine. :) Oh, and the Dwell pot should really be a log rev pot.

cheers / Fredrik
check out my building blog at