Can you guys do this?

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Can you guys do this?


Can you guys do something that can be used as utility that allows to use headphones and mp3 player at the same time? To plug in headphones like in mxr headphones amp but to plug in ipad of any similar device and play music simultanously with playing guitar. This would move mountains, it will be ultimative tool for playing guitar...please guys dont ditch this one. If this exists point me to it or make yor magic as you do. :-)

By the way if you think on multifx i have triec it and it is to clumpsy...and headphone sound is full of power noise...:-)
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Re: Can you guys do this?

Use headphones and MP3 player from what?  I'm confused because headphones are an output, an MP3 player would be an input.  So what is doing the amplifying?  

Tell us the full setup you're thinking of and it will help with the answer.  Splitting and mixing is very simple though
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Re: Can you guys do this?

Ok. Think of when you play on multifx with aux in or alternate input jack option, you plug in cd player (mp3 player, ipad, ipod,...whatever) in that and when you play guitar (input) trought that same multifx unit and trought (output) speaker (amp or headphone) you hear music from cd player and from guitar at same time. So you can practice following the song. Do you get it?
So I'm thinking that can it be achived with something that would be mix from something like mxr headphone amp with some aux input that goes trough directly to headphones leaving signal from fx pedals alone. So that those two signals (that are separated of course) can be heard in one headphones or trough one speaker as one sound (music).

I know that this can be build (because almost every multifx unit has one) and I think this will be smash. :-)
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Re: Can you guys do this?


I have build this from mxr headphone amp and 4 channel mixer together. I it ok but Since there is no amp connected I cant adjust treble and bass so sound is with to much treble and also with too much power noise. Can this be adjusted somehow? Can I add something or is this usual?