Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

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Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

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Hi mates,

Would like to show you another crazy build: the Carl Martin Plexitone..... in a 1590B, no this time was not posible to use a 1590A :P.

This pedal really rocks, is a hard to tame beast. What I really like of this pedal, is that you have two kind of distortions, a crunchy medium and high gain with just a simple stomp + a clean booster.

Great Harald's layout, and it seemesd to me doable in a 1590B so.... this is the result, hope  you like it. I recommend this build, the pedal is just awesome.

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Re: Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

Fitting that build into a 1590B is pretty impressive

The thing I don't like about Harald's layouts is the number of times you have to stand a resistor on its head. Maybe I should try to be a little less OCD about that. Nonetheless, he does have a great wealth of good stuff on his site.
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Re: Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

Thanks :)

I'm not very fond of standing resistors, but after many builds I'm getting used. You just have to solder these resistors at the same  time than  the polybox / electrolithic caps at the end of the board build.

What gets worst is that Harald uses to place lots of components in a very small place, so sometimes the board is so densely populated that gets hard to solder the last components.

But, that's true, he's got some great stuff and hard to find circuits on vero.

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Re: Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

In reply to this post by adstrum
You can get reduce the number of standing resistors by replacing them with SMD resistors on the copper side. Size 1206 works nicely. Works for caps, too. Guess where I got the idea.

I design my vero layouts these days to be as small as possible using this method.

Here's my Small Time delay.  Smaller than Harald's (not that it's a contest, or that smaller is necessarily better) and no standing resistors. In fact, no through-hole resistors or through-hole caps less than 10uF at all. There's one standing diode, but I don't buy SMD diodes.

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Re: Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

Javi, do you have any trouble with the three stomp switches being so close together? I was thinking of trying to fit three boosts in a 1590BB (landscape orientation) but I'm worried that I'll end up turning them on two at a time.
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Re: Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P


Is not easy as they're very close but doable. I don't think taht I would use it in live situations :)

These "dwarf" pedals that I'm bulding lately are indeed supposed to be used on studio / practice situations  and don't think that anyone will use them on stage.

The smd's are a real good idea to avoid standing ones, I'll remember this :)

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Re: Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

In reply to this post by induction
Awesome looking build Javi, yours looks so close to the original graphics, love it!

induction wrote
And that is awesome too!   I'd definitely prefer to use 1206's rather than standing resistors
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Re: Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

Thanks Mark :)

Let's say, that I'm not good at all as painter / artist graphic designer (even though  that I'm very used to Gimp / Photoshop touching pics).

So, when I had to put some decorarion on the enclosures, my best option was to use the original graphics and adapt'em to my measures.

As I liked the results, it became my way of finishing builds, as is quick, somehow easy and the results use to be great.

Anyhow,  I'd love to be so lucky as Miro or Geiri and have at home a great artist to take care of my enclosures :P

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Re: Carl Martin Plexitone -> New insane build :P

Awesome work once again Javi!
Very very cool looking.
I'm lazy though, when I build one it'll be 1590bb... ;)