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Catalinbread Formula No5 GAin

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Catalinbread Formula No5 GAin

253 posts
I've got the Catalinbread Formula No5 board finished and it sounds great, however even with the gain backed right off it is still quite overdriven and I have to back the guitar volume right down for it to get even close to being clean(ish) Now as I prefer more edge of breakup - crunchy - milder overdrive, is there a way to tame the overall gain of the circuit a bit so that it starts cleaner and is a little less hairy when maxed out?

many thanks in advance
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Re: Catalinbread Formula No5 GAin

954 posts
This circuit responds really well to an 18V power supply. I found that at 9V I couldn't back off my guitar volume enough to get it reasonably clean even at the lowest gain settings. At 18V, though, I can get a nice range from slight grit to facemelt with just the guitar volume and the gain set at about 8 or 9 o'clock.

Make sure your electros are rated for 24V or higher before you try it.
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Re: Catalinbread Formula No5 GAin

Ed Nice
84 posts
With something like this, could you a/b a resistor on the input with a switch to increase the impedance and give the option for either response?