Catalinbread - Hyperpak

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Catalinbread - Hyperpak

Hello all!

I've searched a lot on the forum, but I didn't find a layout for Catalinbread Hyperpak.
Anyone can help me?

Thank you!
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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

Here it is.
Let me know if it works!.

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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

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In reply to this post by gigimarga
Here you go! Made this from the schematic found at freestompboxes


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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

Damnit! I see someone beat me to it
Best be quicker next time....
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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

In reply to this post by gigimarga
Wooow...2 answers so fast!!!

You're very kindly! Hope to have time to test both layouts...

Thank you very much!
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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

In reply to this post by Alex
Hello, Alex!

I've built Hyperpak using your layout and it works. It squelches with the gain pot maximized, but I think that this problem comes from the fact it's unboxed.

Thank you very much again!
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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

No problem!
Glad it works!
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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

This post was updated on .
Ha, just built a vero of this as i didn't see this post. Not sure it will work as it was my first attempt at vero building. Any mistakes let me know as i'm going to build it since its my first. Already noticed a grounding error updated. Also updated w link so 10k goes t pin2, thanks Ciaran.

"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

Ciaran Haslett
Hi Gavin

Missing Pin 2 to the 10K and pins 3 and 4 to ground but the rest looks good.

EDIT:  You caught the missing ground
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Re: Catalinbread - Hyperpak

Thanks Ciaran. Noticed that ground issue the moment i posted, typical. Added a link to get 10k to pin 2.
"Red velvet lines the black box"