Catalinbread Manx Loaghtan

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Catalinbread Manx Loaghtan

I'd love a vero layout of the Catalinbread Manx Loaghtan.  It's a ram's head muff with a baxandall tone circuit.  Problem is, I can't find a clean schematic.  Looks like there was one at but the site is no longer live and I can't pull up a cached version...  Here's a snapshot from the original page, but the thumbnail is pretty blurry when enlarged...

Bing image search

Any ideas where to get a clean schematic?
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Re: Catalinbread Manx Loaghtan

Schematic here.

Vero here.
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Re: Catalinbread Manx Loaghtan

you're the best - thanks!
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Re: Catalinbread Manx Loaghtan
