Catalinbread RAH - No Tone Controls

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Catalinbread RAH - No Tone Controls

I made this layout a week or so back:

I had a hard time getting it working at first, but then I found two resistors that were offset by a row. I got that fixed and she fired up. The tone of the dirt was really, and pretty much what I expected. However, the tone controls did not function at all. I checked and rechecked components, cuts, links, and pot lugs. After many hours, I have given up. The only clue I have is that I can short across all three lugs of the bass pot and there is no change at all in output, noise, tone, etc. There is an impact if I short across the lugs of the other two tone controls. Does anyone have a suggestion on what else I should check based upon the behavior of my circuit? Here is a pic of the board. The 2n2 cap across Master 1 & 2 was originally a box style, matching the one below it in the layout. I spotted a burn on one side so I changed it just in case. Not impact of course.