Centaur simplified wiring

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Centaur simplified wiring

I'm building the buffered bypass version  of the simplified centaur. I'm a bit confused by the diagram. I'm trying to wire this up, but don't know what to do with "Output Jack & Sw5" and "Volume 2 and Sw6". Do I put two wires in the board, or go to the jack and then the switch, or the switch and then the jack? There are two wires to Sw4, do they both go to the switch lug? Do any jumpers go on the switch? Just need some help wiring the switch altogether. This is my first vero attempt and first use of DPDT switch.
Thank you!
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Re: Centaur simplified wiring

As per my reply on the blog.  2 wires if you like, or daisy chain from the first connection into the second. It doesn't matter as long as the connections are made between them all.  

Personally I'd daisy chain at the switch because the lugs with holes make it easy to connect 2 wires there.