Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

See that makes sence for you Javi, cause that's nuts. By me the you can get a used epiphone for like $200, and a use gibson will set you back around $800. I can't believe that the price between the two overseas is that close. This may sound like blaspheme, but I haven't played a single gibson I was happy with, sound or feel. But, to each their own.

Btw, I'm almost done with the trip, going to be loading the bus in a few hours, so I'm calming down a little. I need a day off.....
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

In reply to this post by rocket88
I'm with you on the Fender basses Zach. My P bass is a 1980 Tokai, which is stupendous - better than any Fender P bass I have ever played, and my J bass is a Blade. When I went looking for a J bass I tried every Fender I came across. The only Fender that played and sounded better than the Blade was £1300, while the Blade set me back £500. No contest really.

I aso have two Squier Teles that are better than most Fenders at three times the price.

Fender are doing something seriously  wrong in my opinion. The Squier range is now so good that I really don't see any point in buying a "real" Fender - at least not one that costs under a grand.

In regard to Gibson basses, I have never been a fan - just can't make them work for me. The same applies to Les Pauls. However I have had a couple in for repair recently - an EB 4L and a Triumph bass, both picked up while on tour by the same guy which blew me away. Both sounded incredible, so may be there's hope for me yet.