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Ok I realize I'm a couple days early, but what do you guys have goin on for Christmas?

Any big plans? Any cool gifts?

I'm gonna be off work till Tuesday in a few hours so that's gonna be awesome. Hoping to get some work done on the cab for my 5e3 build this weekend.

What are you guys up to?
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Re: Christmas!!

That sounds great!

I have a week off next week.. Which I think I will need, cause 4 or 5 friends decided this is the time for new overdrives/fuzzes..

So I think I will be mostly building:

Lunar module
another Lunar Module or Fuzz Face-ish pedal
Reverberation Machine
OCD (yes, v4.. I tried to advice otherwise, but hey...:D)
EP Booster
Maybe The Depths

And I really, really should get enclosures going. My printer has not been giving me satisfying results printing decals all of a sudden. Cause of that I have been putting it off, but the pile of builds without enclosures is growing.
All pedals I'm satisfied with too :/ Diamond Compressor, Klon, Cream Puff, Russian Muff and the endless list grows longer and longer haha

Afraid my gf has another idea of a week off though.. ;)
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Re: Christmas!!

Lying on the sofa and watching Christmas films!
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Re: Christmas!!

In reply to this post by Travis
I have two builds planned, a Pink Flesh and a Colossus. Other than that the wife and I are both off so gonna go see Clutch and Rogue One. Probably a lot of Overwatch too.
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Re: Christmas!!

In reply to this post by Travis
well no big plans as such, but I'll be spending some time with my daughter as she's back home from university (In between her flitting about socializing with her friends of course) and I'll probably be experimenting with my hoard of Germanium goodies that arrived from our Bulgarian friend a few weeks back

And I'd like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone for their inspiration, help and encouragement in my first year of building, and to wish you all a very happy, healthy Christmas
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Re: Christmas!!

Sensei Tim
I have some decals to clear coat, 1 rehousing, a switch repair, and a few other pedals to finish. Icing. Should keep me out of trouble for a few days at least.
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Re: Christmas!!

Time to box some builds. Since i find boxing the least enjoyable part of this hobby i have a huge amount of pedals needing boxed. On holiday until 10th Jan so hoping to box a few. Also stepkids and famiilies are coming for xmas eve and day so cooking for quite a few. Looking forward to the port challenge tomorrow night. See who can avoid the xmas day hangover.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Christmas!!

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by Pavlos
Well I'm taking a leaf out of Phil's book and learning to layout my own double sided PCBs with board mounted everything.  Much like Gavin...I just hate boxing vero.  Don't have the patience like most folk here.  Plus there's the benefit of making larger circuits 1590B friendly (like some of the Eurorack stuff that I abandoned due to size)

Tried my own SHO layout and it was a disaster haha.  Circuit worked fine but the board was too narrow...the jack sockets didn't reach the walls of the enclosure.  But I'm getting there anyway

Merry Resistormess and Happy New Gear
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Re: Christmas!!

In reply to this post by Travis
Christmas break usually involves making wood enclosures for some effects in my pile. It's kind of a pain in the ass, but it's an inexpensive way to do it and it allows me to use my woodwork gear.
I'm working on a 5 in 1 sloped enclosure with a 3.5mm jack patch bay for order switching. I expect there will be a wee bit of troubleshooting but there may be a Christmas miracle if/when it fires up right away.
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Re: Christmas!!


I've got a bunch of stuff to debug,  the tapanator phaser and a Perc Jerc PCB.

I've a load of boxing to finish, a tapanator wah and trem,  a Vibracaster,  a fuzz factory.

A bunch of new pcb's arriving that need making up and testing,  and a few from the last run that I need to make sure work.

And an Eagle tutorial that ain't gonna write itself.

What's probably gonna happen is I'm gonna sit on my arse and drink homebrew and Laphroaig.
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Re: Christmas!!

I've got some projects waiting. As most of you guys know I'm going to give the UV paint a go for etching enclosures. Got the fixtures and bulbs on Tuesday, yesterday picked up the wood to make the exposure box, and started cutting and figuring out fitment. Still have to pick up a cheap inkjet and a piece of glass to hold down the artwork. Done s bunch of research and think I've got it figured out, so fingers crossed it works 1st time out.

If it works as planned I've got like 3-4 pedals waiting to be wired up and finished. I'm also planning on building a few new pedals too.

Squirrels, I was planning on going to the clutch show too, but my wife doesn't have off. I'm still debating if I'm going to go solo. Haven't missed a clutch show in the last 2 years, so don't know if I'm going to actual miss this one. They're so good live, never a bad show.
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Re: Christmas!!

We saw them two or three years ago and they were great. My wife wins tickets from WSOU all the time. We saw ghost a few months at the Wellmont in Montclair a few months ago. They were phenomenal live.  
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Re: Christmas!!

ghost is great live, i've seen them every time they've played the US except 2 shows. i was actually at their first show ever in NYC at the basement of webster hall. none of their other shows have really been as good as that one unfortunately, mostly because what they did you can't really do, and they're were like 50-100 people.

seriously, i never get enough of clutch live. the whole band is so tight, they always sound on point, and neil is like a preacher on stage. he's got one of the best stage presences of any singer now a days, not to mention of all time IMHO. my only complaint is there's like 2 songs i've always wanted to hear them play live, and have yet to.

btw, you hear the last two new albums? both recorded in NJ, east rutherford if i remember correctly, and not one bad song on either. but then again, i feel the same way about all their albums.
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Re: Christmas!!

Honestly I haven't heard too much of Psychic Warfare. I heard they've been recording in Jersey but wasn't sure where. They're one of the best bands I've seen live. I'm looking forward to seeing them again. Plus the tickets were free.
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Re: Christmas!!

In reply to this post by Travis
I've got my daughter, son-in-law and my two year old grandson coming round later which will be great.

My son got us tickets to go see "Eat That Question" - the new Frank Zappa movie in January. What a great Christmas present!

Nothing pedal related, but lots of electrical work on this week. I need to install all the electrics in my Ford Transit that the wife and I are converting into a campervan.

Happy Christmas everyone.
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Re: Christmas!!

cooking drinking and eating for me........the bar is now OPEN

cheers to each and every one of you and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS
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Re: Christmas!!

In reply to this post by rocket88
Clutch is one of the best bands to see live... their live show blows their albums out of the water.  I used to live in Baltimore and saw them ~12 times in the span of a few months when they were doing their jam band sets at the local bars and catch them every time they come through Denver now.

Psychic Warfare is a great album all the way through, but I don't like the changes they made to Firebirds between the demo/live and the final recorded version.  Kind of took the balls out of the song IMO.

Earth Rocker is pretty great too but I think my #1 is still Beale Street.

Not building any pedals over the holiday but I did get a new TC mini HOF reverb from my bro that I'm going to spend some time dickin around with.  I'm not a fan of digital gain pedals but I have no problem with a digital reverb, particularly from TC!
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Re: Christmas!!

Waiting for 33v charge pump´s parts to squeeze it inside a model T preamp build. I´m also waiting for some water slide decal paper for what´s going to be my first artwork attempt out of permanent pens and stickers...
Merry christmas to all!!!
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Re: Christmas!!

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In reply to this post by negativefx
Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you all for making this forum so interesting and inspiring.  

And a special thanks to IvIark and mirosol for making all this possible!!!

My wife and I ended up snowshoeing today up near Tibble Fork, Utah. First ones on the snow after a winter storm last night. Beautiful.  It was like hiking inside a snow globe.


And yet as beautiful as it was, I was still thinking about pedals. Is that wrong? :0)

Now it's time for some hooch, fireplace and some xmas movies...

1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst