Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk

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Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk



Has someone made a working vero version of the Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk?

I know it's been (brilliantly) built on etched PCB, but I can't find a vero version of it...

The process is described here:

Thank you very much!
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Re: Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk

JohnK (who got it working on FSB) does a lot verso here. With any luck he will see this and consider putting one together. I would love to build this.
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Re: Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk


Thanks for the information.

Good to know I'm not the only one here... and that we are in such good company as JohnK.

This would be excelent!
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Re: Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk


Well... I tried to do it. Failed Miserably!

Can anyone finally make a vero out of this? With new rules and all, maybe it's possible.

It would be really appreciated...
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Re: Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk

I've uploaded one on the main page!
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Re: Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk


Sir, YOU ROCK! Thank you!