Circuit mash up

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Circuit mash up

Hey guys.. :) Drew up a circuit of probably a distortion(was aiming for metal territory\m/ ).. Mashed up parts of various circuits.. Total noob.. No idea. Just drew it up. Mosfet stage is from the rog peppermill. Next is a amz mini booster with some value changes from golden dragon od found here . Next a classic big muff tone stack with gain recovery section. I had no idea what i was doing ;p . Comment your valuable insights..
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Re: Circuit mash up

Silver Blues
Design looks nice honestly. All that's left is to throw it on the breadboard, see how it sounds then make any necessary adjustments to get it where you want it. I expect you'll have to do some tweaking of the values in the tone stack to adjust to your taste. However, I would have a look at this article because there's a potentially better way to construct that mu-amp stage.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Circuit mash up

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Thank you for your comment silver blues. You ment  the SRPP one? I'll re draw and post it .Will do a breadboard by this weekend mostly. Actually never did any layout on a  breadboard before. :p
 :D  made some progress . Here is the firdt stage.
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Re: Circuit mash up

Silver Blues
Yep, this guy:

Breadboards are a bit confusing starting out but you quickly get the hang of working with them and they're a massive boon when testing designs. They work almost like vero except you can't cut the rows.
Through all the worry and pain we move on