Citrus MKII question

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Citrus MKII question

Not to be ungrateful of Miro's excellent work on this one but: Reading the DIYStomp thread, I got to thinking that bypassing the FAC switch isn't a bad idea (recommended by Paul Nelson if memory serves).

How simple would it be to do it on Miro's layout? I'm not exactly sure by comparing the schematic to the layout so...

Jumping the SwitchA connection directly to the SW6 while omitting the 500pf cap?

On the DIY thread they stated replacing the FAC switch with a 0.068µf cap, would you add a second one after the 0.68 or would you just connect the already-present cap directly to the 100k resistor?

Sorry if this sounds incredibly unexperimented from my is true though...

Thanks for the help!

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Re: Citrus MKII question

I built the ROG Orange Peel and the Citrus MKII, and one of the positions on the FAC on both of them is bypassed. I first tried the Citrus with it, but later ended up removing it since I found the FAC to be unnecessary. to bypass it, just run a jumper from SW A to SW 6 and omit the switch altogether.
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Re: Citrus MKII question

Thanks for the reply John. I thought, based on the schematic, that none of the positions were "bypass" positions, seems like I was wrong... makes things simpler too!

Big thanks for the help. I'll try it both ways and see what I like best.
