Clean blend with clean gain and tone trimpots

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Clean blend with clean gain and tone trimpots


So I've just drawn this little circuit for a pedal i'm gonna build soon. It should work well as a clean blend, especially for bass players since there's a tone trimpot (low pass filter) and a clean volume control. Please note it won't work with phase inverting circuits.

It's drawn from Jubal81's Schooner and the Moosapotamus Paralooper.

I buffered the return path just in case (it might not be necessary). If you want more gain you can lower R5 (47k). The Tone trimpot cuts above 3400hz in its minimum value, and above 300hz in its maximum value.

The Blend pot can be a lower value (the Schooner uses 10kB)

The circuit and layout are NOT VERIFIED yet, I'll do it early september I think.

Just wanted to share them if anyone's interested, or if anyone has anything to say about them. :)
