Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

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RE: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Well guess I'll post a pic of my mess. Seems you guys all suffer from some serious COD when it comes to neatness. Me and my new hero Muadzin don't seem to have that affection.

and my second work station. see a trend here?
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RE: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Iggy and I seem to have the same organization method.  I highly recommend the $50 workbench with light.  It is rock solid and perfect for electronics since the light is directly overhead.  I built it with the plans from this website:

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RE: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Nice man, and can't agree more about the work light. Mine is an LED that looks like it's fluorescent, and the kicker is it cost me $35. It's brighter, and clearer then most normal lights and it will last a loooooonnnngggg time. It really allows you to see what you're doing so much better.

Btw, why do I feel like I'm short on components looking at everyones stashes? I guess I have to start placing a few more honors.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

In reply to this post by bogey
My workspace is so messy right now. I've been super busy and not able to tidy up. Please excuse the mess
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Ed Nice
Ha ha, that's cheating :p

That's a cool workspace. I'm quite envious, although I'd only end up filling it up with motorbikes....

(I love your work man).  
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

this thread is an eye opener. some real pro set ups going on. organsiation everywhere.
i thought gfx was a place for cack-handed chancers with fuzz addictions to hang out (that's why i'm here). like a drop-in centre with vero board instead of jigsaws. but it looks like some proper big time people have snuck in through the fire escape.
i'm a throughly paid up member of the old kitchen table and a maplin soldering iron club. though i do have an extractor fan because i'm afraid of catching cancer from solder. or if not cancer the lung one miners get. the film on the lungs. this film is not suitable for miners...

rocket88 wrote
The only thing you need really is and iron,
laser printer, I use Ferric Chloride to etch, and two plastic containers.

If you want man I can make a tutorial on etching. Well on the whole process
I do from start to finish, painting and all. I can do it next week when I
get back from the festival I'm going to this weekend.
Quoted from:

hey rocket88, would definitely like to see your tutorial on etching. enclosures and or pcbs, if the process is basically the same. have a folder of pcbs i want to etch. the synth mob are far less organised than the guitar mob. hardly anything of theirs is on vero. all damn etch-ur-own pcb. as i live in a rented flat (uk housing mightmare) i can't afford to get suspect pee-yellow ferric stains all over the bathroom, so have reisted etching to date despite watching a few yt tutorials. need a nudge from a yoda-type master maybe.
btw i hope you had a good festival. if it was the austin psych fest i will be jealous. bill of the decade.
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

I'm going to do one tomorrow when I finish some work for my stats class. The fest was unreal. Travis and I met up out there.  The Austin fest looks awesome too. I wish there was a psych fest near NYC, all there is is dethfest in Maryland and most of the time I only want to see like 2 bands; so no way I'd go.

It's actually fairly easy and say to etch, you'll see.

Btw, I may not be yoda, but apparently I'm the emperor of the Ge deathstar, so just as good, no?
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

I have a standing invite to both SXSW and Austin Psych Fest, that so far I have been unable to take up, as both my wife and I work in education, and both festivals are in term time.

Total, utter bummer!
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Re: Cleared myself a workspace in the garage.Why not show us yours?

Thread revival warning.

Here's my small hideaway; down the back of my garage. Got the roof fixed earlier this year after the old plastic sheeting roof skylights perished in the Aussie sun! So now i've got my nice little set-up with enough room for what I need. Toaster and painting area in the walkway from the garage, drilling and metalbashing at the pillar drill, plenty storage for me at the workbench area. And the Laney Klipp sitting ready to rock!

And Possums nesting somewhere down the back of the wall cavity near the aircon unit!