Clone Theory auto-salvaging

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Clone Theory auto-salvaging

Hi all,

I built an EHX Clone Theory a while ago and it never worked. Only recently did I dig it up again and notice the 470µ filtering cap (bottom left) was on the wrong way round, and all burnt up underneath. WHOOPSIES.
After soldering a new cap the right way round, I can only hear that faint ticking that changes with the Rate pot.

So my question is :
I'm going to make a whole new board, since some components must have burnt up, but which of the 4 ICs can I keep for the re-build, knowing that the ticking works but the signal doesn't go trough ? I wouldn't want to buy more ICs (especially the MN3007) if I don't need to...

(PS : I didn't use the power daughterboard, and plugged the pedal in @ 12V).
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Re: Clone Theory auto-salvaging

Good question.. I recently built it too. Didn't do a lot until I set the trimmer right.
Also, I'm not sure if 12v is enough to make it work?

I realise this does not answer your question at all, but did want to put it out there ;)