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Cocked wah pedal

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Cocked wah pedal

19 posts
I was recently building a large format multi effect pedal using layouts from this site. The basic idea was an overdrive, a fuzz and some sort of boost to take the fuzz up from sludge to solo. For my overdrive I chose the dam red rooster for that good old germanium majicke (also I had a butt load of Russian trannies that don't seem to work in anything else).

The fuzz was the BAT revelation superlead. It's awesome. So fat and thick and gnarly but also loud enough to compete with the volume boost of the red rooster. The only problem was that it doesn't pop for solos with my darkish amps. As it's already so loud, any boost I put into it just oversaturated the amp and I got that nasty hollow decay. I searched and searched and couldn't find anything. Eventually I thought it might be cool to put a cocked wah effect in front of it but all the cocked wah effects I could find seemed to have their own distortion and were quite big. I was running out of space in the enclosure and I didn't want too many superfluous knobs. Then the epiphany came.

Just put a wah in it with a normal pot. Set it where you want in the sweep and make it switchable before the fuzz. It was so simple. It may be that this is a common idea but I haven't seen anyone else mention doing it and it sounds great. I just wanted other people to know because I've got so much great information from this site and I wanted to give something back. I used the colorsound inductorless wah. Cheap and simple. Low parts count. It totally sings.

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Re: Cocked wah pedal

313 posts
I suppose you could use other effects to simulate a wah in a single position (some eq probably), but I think you just re-invented the use of the wah circuit!

Definitely gonna try it in some build!