Cold Toner Transfer

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Cold Toner Transfer

Saw a link to this method on Hackaday this morning seems very useful! I have had mixed results using the heat toner transfer for cases/pcbs. Very interested in trying this out!
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
i was about to make a guide for this one here at the forum. i saw that link at diysb on facebook.

the last week i'm testing this method and it works absolutely perfect! no ironing, faster, and a way darker transfer! i've made a 10x10 transfer of an image on a metal enclosure (not aluminium). that's something that i could never do with iron. and it needs much less pressure. when i find some time i'll make that guide. if someone though, is willing to test this right now, you should be careful to clean the papers surface too. even a finger print can blur the transfer. i've used a 50%-50% mix of acetone-alcohol cause as the guy who made the intructable also said " (quick!, acetone is volatilizing)." really really fast .
good luck!

now the only iron i have to turn on, is my soldering one..
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

Sensei Tim
This is brilliant!

I'm going to try it out soon!
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης

I would LOVE a guide if you have the time! Thank you!
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

In reply to this post by skeletonghost
I have seen this also and will be trying it out soon. Looks so much more efficient.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

Impressive, i will try that.
what sort of alchool did you use? 70% medical stuff? denatured 95% alchool?
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

they guy says to use ethyl alcohol. if you're in the US you can find it in Klean Strip Green Denatured Alcohol, which is 95% ethyl alcohol, 5% methanol and others, but most importantly no water. i haven't had a chance to try it, but have all that i need for it. my only concern is how much pressure is enough and how much is too much.
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

well i spent some time with this trying to get it to work right. i've attempted 8 transfers so far and getting closure to a good mix for it to work. i've been using the Klean Strip Green Denatured Alcohol as someone had suggested and pure Acetone. as of now i have a mixture of 24 Acetone to 8 Denatured Alcohol, and i finally got a strong transfer that basically 150%, so essentially the image blurred but the ink holds on strongly. i made one more dilution of 24 Acetone to 10 Denatured Alcohol that i'll try again later this week.

it's an interesting method that if done right could be great cause it takes a hell of a lot less time then ironing it on. i still see the same issues as ironing, where the paper likes to get stuck onto blank spots, especially when it's a small space. plus, unlike the heat method the ink does not hold on to the aluminum as strongly, so using a scrubby sponge to removes the paper seems to pull off the ink somewhat easily, making removing that little bit of paper kind of a bitch.
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
absolutely spot on!
same result here.
i don't have time at all, so i couldn't make a tutorial yet
i use 50%-50% solution and i get really black transfers, in about 3 minutes. but taking of the sticking paper is a bit difficult as Zach says.
still the best way i've  found till now.
i'll upload some photos later today.
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
Photo was taken with my phone My first attempt:into the unknown The blur was my falt...fingerprints!! Re-tonertransfered here, sans amp classic as the previous iron transfer was really bad... Same here
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
I like tutorials
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

That was quick, thanks!
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

M. Spencer
In reply to this post by skeletonghost
Will this method work with an ink jet printer?
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Re: Cold Toner Transfer

no it has to be laser. it's due to the fact that laser printers use toner and melt it into the paper, while inkjet printers just put ink into the paper.