Colorsound Bass Fuzz

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Colorsound Bass Fuzz

Built this a few months ago, and it worked like it should. But now I have very low volume in low fuzz settings, and occationally get a few seconds of dropout (the tone is almost gone). I have changed the volume pot, without any effect. It also needs a new battery way to often. Any pointers?

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Re: Colorsound Bass Fuzz

I had a similar problem in one of my builds recently (worked for ages and then suddenly had massive volume loss). It turned out to be that a lead had snapped on a capacitor and it just needed re soldering. Might just be something to check out.
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Re: Colorsound Bass Fuzz

Dave wrote
I had a similar problem in one of my builds recently (worked for ages and then suddenly had massive volume loss). It turned out to be that a lead had snapped on a capacitor and it just needed re soldering. Might just be something to check out.
Thanks. I'll check it out.