Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

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Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

So I saw this board layout for the Wow-Fuzz over on and was thinking about putting this together, but I'm getting lost in the wiring. The switches dont look like 3PDT, so what are they? Also the jacks are confusing the heck out of me, are they special jacks?. Anyone able to help clear up my confusion, cause really interested in this and I have an old broken Wah floating around and think this would be fun to put into it.
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Re: Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

The switches are DPDT on/on they're there to switch each section of the effect on or off so you can have either the wah, the Fuzz or both. You'll be able to use any type of jack, in the diagram it shows the enclosed type with the input as stereo and the output as mono. The input socket is stereo so it can be wired up to disengage the battery when there's no jack plugged in.
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Re: Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

Thanks Madferret. That's what I was thinking the switches were, and assumed that was the jacks. If I don't have the enclosed type jacks with that many connections how can I wire in normal mono and stereo jacks?
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Re: Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

Depending on what types of jacks you get they usually have enough room on the solder tags to solder multiple wires to them. The open stereo jacks usually have an extra solder point for the ground too.
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Re: Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

In reply to this post by rocket88
So I finally got all the parts for this and built it and wired it as suggested, and it works. I have one problem. When the wah is on the volume drops to about 25% or so of the clean signal. The fuzz is massive and monsterous and is perfect. I used a halo inductor from small bear, which is 600mH instead of 800mH like the original. I changed the 10nF cap to a larger 22nF cap, and played with different caps and no difference. I figure output resistor needs to be changed, but I'm not 100% sure what to change it to nor which one it is. BTW, here is the link to the wiring on turretboard.
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Re: Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

I'm not too sure what to change on the existing board to get more volume out of it but an easy way to achieve it would be to put a booster in after the Wow circuit. Just place the booster between the green wire and the DPDT switch it was linked to, I'd probably use a trimpot rather than an external one so you can just set it to give you unity volume and forget about it.
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Re: Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

I'll give it a shot. How should I add the booster? All of the boosters on the site have external pots, not trimmers, and/or a pot for gain. Plus it needs to be really small, as i dont have much more room in the enclosure.

I'm going nuts, on this one. I'm not to sure why its like this, cause everything is exactly as it says from turretboard as point-to-point. Even following the schematic its correct.
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Re: Colorsound Wow-Fuzz

Some circuits do drop volume when they're on so it could just be a quirk of the pedal. For the booster just replace the vol/boost pot with the trimpot daughter board shown in the Offboard Wiring Section, for a small layout I'd use something like an LPB-1 which is a very low part count or maybe a ZVex Super Hard On if you've got the Mosfet for it.  Good luck.