Compressor/Reverb combo

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Compressor/Reverb combo

So a friend of mine who does a lot of studio work had an idea of including a compressor in a reverb:

"One of the things I would really like to see in a pedal would be a simple (yet effective) compressor with maybe a tone knob to help dial in some extra clarity and sparkle. I find sometimes when guitar players are going for the big "pad" sound with infinite thick reverb and warm delay, it can get a little muddy even if you set your pre delay appropriately. I use the Nova Reverb right now which has a pretty cool "ducking" setting but tends to sound a little too digital for my taste sometimes. Maybe you could incorporate a compressor option into a reverb? "

What do you guys think? Would a compressor do what he's talking about? Would you include it before or after the reverbe'd signal? would the really cheap compressor + Box of hall do the trick?